Energy Management


Whether you are establishing, implementing or maintaining an energy management system to meet the international standard ISO 50001, we can help you continually improve the energy performance of your compressed air system.

By recommending best-in-class technologies and solutions, we’re helping our clients comply with their energy efficiency and emission reduction obligations. And we’ve got the case studies to prove it!

Case Study 1: Heat Recovery at ABP Cahir

Case Study 2: Air Treatment at Tipperary Cooperative

Case Study 3: Air Leakage Management at Hovione

Potential for Energy Savings is Significant

In a study conducted by the Energy Efficiency Institute at the University of Stuttgart, it was estimated 400 TWh/a electricity is required to power compressed air worldwide.

Speaking at an O’Neill Industrial event, Professor Radgen, University of Stuttgart, said

“When we talk about a compressed air system we are not necessarily just talking about the compressor – we are speaking about so much more; the controls, receiver, air treatment (dryers, filters or condensate technology), the distribution network, right down to the ultimate end use devices, which all have a factor to play in terms of the overall efficiency of the system. And when you look at the system in its entirety, the improvement potential is quite significant.”


Here’s why you should embark on an energy management programme with O’Neill Industrial:

Energy Cost Savings
Carbon Emission Reduction
Guaranteed Savings
Best in Breed Technologies - Ingersoll Rand, LeekSeek, Intelliflow & more
Improve operations by minimising inefficiencies
Quick return on investment


World-class compressed air technologies
Proved design, stellar track record
Specific solutions to meet the stringent requirements of Irish Industry
Solutions to help our customers optimise efficiencies
The expertise, the experience, the ROI

Contact For Services


Telephone: +353 (0)61-313888
Fax: +353 (0)61-314116

Cork Office

Phone: +353 (0)21-4351137
Fax: +353 (0)21-4351143

Email us for product information, pricing, service and availability

Ingersoll Rand E-Series Oil-Free VSD Air Compressor

Heat Recovery

Heat recovery, provides a cost-effective way to reduce energy bills and benefit the environment by capturing the heat of compression and putting it to work.We have three options for new or retrofit systems.

Leakage Management & Audits

One of the fastest routes to energy savings. The majority of companies have a leakage rate of more than 20%. Apart from being completely unnecessary, it is expensive and contributes to your CO2 emissions. You can reduce your leakage level to less than 5%! Here’s how.

air leakage leakage management

Flow Control Systems

Flow Meters and Pressure controls are other practical ways to manage air-usage of a compressed-air system.