Air Compressor Condensate Management
All compressed air systems contain water, dirt, rust and even degraded lubricating oil which all mix together to form unwanted compressed air condensate. Appropriate air compressor condensate management is essential for the efficient operation of your plant.
This condensate should be treated and have the oil removed before discharging to a sanitary sewer, unless lubricant is biodegradable. Oil/water separators are installed as part of the compressed air system and simply reduce the oil concentration in the collected condensate. By reducing oil concentration in water to a permitted level, this allows the larger volume of clean water, up to 98% of the total condensate, to be discharged safely into the sanitary sewer. This leaves the relatively small amount of concentrated oil to be disposed of legitimately and economically
Ingersoll Rand oil water separators and drain valves help make condensate management easier, more efficient and more environmentally friendly.
Oil Water Separator Polysep
Environmentally sound, reliable and easy to maintain, PolySep Oil Water Separators remove the broadest range of coolants from air compressor condensate and help you stay green. Download Oil Water Separator Polysep brochure
Electric No Loss Drains
The newly-enhanced ENLs from Ingersoll Rand are heavy-duty industrial drains that remove condensate without wasting compressed air. Download Electric No Loss Drains brochure
Call us today to discuss condensate management solutions for your plant.